
Category: All Topics

ACEs: What Are They and How Do They Affect Us?

ACEs: What Are They and How Do They Affect Us?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are negative stress-inducing circumstances children experience that shape the way they process and interact with the world around them. The simple series of questions about one's childhood can predict the likelihood of a series of health difficulties later in life. Resilient KC even conducted an ACE Study in our very own backyard and the results were staggering.

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The Impact of BIST

The Impact of BIST

Administrators and educators from Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois gathered for training from our Behavioral Intervention Support Team staff in January to learn about the program and hear success stories from participating schools.

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A Simple Way to Support Trauma-Informed Care

A Simple Way to Support Trauma-Informed Care

When children don't have the opportunity to heal from the trauma they've experienced, the unaddressed effects are enormous. Trauma affects a child's brain development. Their subsequent emotional and educational challenges can threaten their potential as a productive adult and they are at risk to experience major medical health issues. The Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Families Act seeks to identify children who have experienced trauma and provide immediate support.

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3 Tips to Save Your Relationship from Conflict

3 Tips to Save Your Relationship from Conflict

Every relationship has conflict - that's normal. Our free ShowMe Healthy Relationships classes helps couples communicate and understand each other better to successfully deal with conflict when it arises.

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Experiencing the Meaning of the Season

Experiencing the Meaning of the Season

The Cornerstones of Care Gift Gallery – a long-standing tradition on our Gillis Campus – allows parents we serve to shop for gifts for their entire family at no cost. This year, its legancy continued as 1,304 gifts, plus items to meet basic needs (coats, hats, clothing, diapers, etc.), were distributed to 564 individuals from 178 families. Kiara and her five children were one of those families.

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